12 Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Efficiently Without Breaking the Bank

After a night of sleep thanks to the breezy open windows, closing them will help reduce how much heat comes into the house from the Sun.

8. Close Blinds
Additionally, closing blinds will keep the sunlight to a minimum and prevent the air conditioner from overworking during the hottest time of day.

9. Use a Ceiling Fan with the Air Conditioner
Ceiling fans do an ideal job of helping circulate cool air and therefore are a great supplement to using the air conditioner without overworking it.

10. Cook with Care
Another great way to ensure the air conditioner is running efficiently is to plan meals around appliance usage. For example, consider meals that use smaller appliances like microwaves and slow cookers rather than heating the oven. Or cook large meals early in the day so the heat from the oven can dissipate before the house heats up. Alternatively, planning cold meals, such as salads or charcuterie boards, will help minimize the need to use heat-producing appliances.

11. Ventilate and Insulate

In addition to having air conditioner ducts cleaned, and removing any blockages, proper insulation is another factor that impacts an air conditioner’s ability to function. Fill any cracks or holes and use weatherstripping to ensure no air is escaping. Additionally, this applies to homes with attics, basements, or porches with below storage.

12. Consider a Smart Thermostat
Although a smart thermostat may have a higher cost upfront, it’ll be far more energy efficient. These thermostats have several programmable features to meet each family’s needs, including turning it off or down while out and about.



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