20 Times Men Exposed Gross and Annoying Habits of Their Wives and Girlfriends

“She always leaves drawers and cabinets slightly open, and I end up hitting my head on them.”
11. Messy Eating
“She has a habit of eating messy foods without a napkin, and then wiping her hands on her clothes.”
12. Hogging the Bed
“She takes up most of the bed space and steals the blankets in her sleep.”
13. Talking During Movies
“She asks questions and makes comments during movies, which ruins the experience for me.”
14. Leaving Makeup Everywhere
“Her makeup is all over the place, from the bathroom counter to the living room coffee table.”
15. Texting During Conversations
“It’s really annoying when she starts texting or browsing her phone while we’re talking.”
16. Leaving Wet Towels on the Bed
“She’ll leave her wet towel on the bed after a shower, which is so frustrating.”
17. Snoring
“Her snoring keeps me up at night, but she denies that she snores.”
18. Always Late
“No matter how early we start getting ready, she’s always late for everything.”
19. Talking on Speakerphone
“She talks on speakerphone in public places, and it’s really embarrassing.”
20. Ignoring Expiration Dates
“She doesn’t check expiration dates on food, and I’ve had to throw out spoiled items more than once.”



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