30 ways to use a Magic Eraser and save money

If your kids show their budding artist skills by drawing on the wall with crayons or markers, you may already be familiar with the miracle that is called the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. These beautiful miracle workers come in the form of a squishy foam pad. While they look soft, these bad boys can do some serious damage to otherwise impossible-to-remove smudges.
But getting crayon off the wall is not the only thing they’re good for. This cleaning tool has gotten a bad rap for containing toxic chemicals, but Snopes puts those rumors to rest and tells consumers that when used properly (for example, not as a face scrub), these scrubbers are perfectly safe.
Not only are they safe, but they’re also versatile. Check out this list of 30 ways to use Magic Erasers with tips:
1. Clean scuffs and dirt off tennis shoes.
2. Clean grout and bathroom tile.
3. Remove scuff marks from floors and baseboards.
4. Clean tea stains from instant tea machines (pitchers).
5. Clean keyboards.

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