Here’s The Real Reason Why Restaurants Serve Free Bread Before Your Meal

Have you ever wondered why restaurants start your meal with a complimentary bread basket? It turns out, there’s a fascinating reason behind this delicious tradition we all cherish.

Imagine you’re on vacation, embracing pure relaxation, and suddenly your stomach rumbles, urging you to find some sustenance. That’s when the magical bread basket appears.

Picture soft, pillowy bread, soaking up flavorful olive oil and balsamic or cozying up to a pat of butter. It’s an irresistible sight, even if you’re attempting to cut back on carbs.

Well, a TikToker recently spilled the secret behind why certain restaurants generously offer us bread at the beginning of our meals, and it’s not just a simple filler trick.

Manvir Dosanjh says: “Why do they give us free bread at restaurants?”

“Look at this bread, it’s delicious with butter.”

“What happens when you eat the bread, [it] spikes your blood sugar, then it crashes. So what happens?

“You want to eat more, you have more cravings at the end to buy desserts. So what do we do instead?”

He goes on to describe his practice of bringing a packet of fiber powder along with him when he dines at the restaurant.

This fiber supplement, he claims, has the effect of slowing down digestion, leading to a prolonged feeling of fullness. Ultimately, it reduces his appetite and the amount of food he consumes.

He continues: “I did it, my fiancee did it.”

“What happens is my blood sugars are now under control.”



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