I Witnessed Man Demanding His Wife Pay $800+ for Him and His Friends – I Took Cold-Stone Revenge on Her Behalf

ight hundred dollars plus. That’s what Jack’s “boys’ night out” bill came to, and he expected his wife, Lora, to foot it. Waitress Melanie, witnessing Lora’s despair, concocted a bold move to ensure Jack’s night didn’t end as he planned.

Ten years. That’s how long I’ve been slinging plates at one of the fanciest restaurants downtown. You see all sorts of folks in this line of work, couples on first dates practically glowing, families celebrating birthdays with sticky-fingered toddlers, and the occasional business lunch that looks more like an interrogation than a meeting. But nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed the other night.

There used to be this couple, Jack and Lora, who were regulars. Cute as a button, always splitting the bill with a smile. They’d come in once a week, order the same decadent chocolate cake for dessert, and steal glances at each other like teenagers.

Lately, though, things had changed. The smiles were gone, replaced by a tense silence that hung heavy between them. And for the past few months, it was always Lora stuck holding the bill folder at the end of the night.

Jack, on the other hand, seemed to be indulging in a spending spree. Every time he came in, it was like a parade of the most expensive cuts of meat and bottles of wine you could imagine.

And guess who always ended up footing the bill? Lora, looking increasingly pale and drawn, would swipe her card quietly.

This particular rainy night, though, things went up a whole new level of ridiculous. Jack waltzed in with a gaggle of eight loud, boisterous friends, announcing like a king that it was his “treat.”

They ordered enough burgers and steaks to feed a small army, and while it was all fun and games for them, a knot of worry tightened in my stomach when I didn’t see Lora walk in with them.

Just as I was about to check if she was coming, she arrived, looking like she’d just run a marathon. Her eyes were red-rimmed and her steps faltered slightly as she approached the group.

Jack barely glanced up when she sat down, too busy barking orders at me to refill their drinks.

As the night wore on, I cleared away empty plates, my ears pricked towards their table. That’s when I caught a snippet of their conversation that made my blood run cold.

“I won’t pay this time,” Lora told Jack, laced with a tremor I’d never heard before. “Jack, I’m serious.”

He just chuckled. “Sure, babe. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I’ll take care of everything.”

Easy for him to say, I thought, fuming silently.



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