Easy Spice Cupboard Shelves

Use your existing cupboard shelf for a basically free way to make spice shelves!

Is it turmeric? Is it nutmeg? It’s hard to see! (There’s a story there about a time I very, very incorrectly made ginger ale floats… 😆)

Yesterday, I discovered that we’d bought TWO huge containers of chili powder because we hadn’t seen the one we already had buried behind other spice jars. This was my final straw of minor annoyance, and I decided to reconfigure our spice cupboard.

At our last house, we were spoiled and had a huge drawer right next to our oven that we were able to use as a spice drawer, but in our current home we have a cupboard next to the stove that’s the best place for spices, salts, packets, etc. My husband bought those little shelves that you stick in a cupboard to help, but they weren’t quite the right size and we ended up having a lot of spice jars sitting in no-man’s-land in the center of the surrounding mini shelves. Also, I like to be able to read labels at a glance, and since I’m short (my husband’s assessment, not mine) it’s hard to see what I’m reaching for on the higher shelves.

So, here’s the solution I came up with yesterday. I left our top shelf with a spinning organizer for spice packets and oddly shaped containers, but the rest of the lower space I wanted for stepped shelves. You can buy these kind of shelves, but I wanted them customized to exactly the right size for our cupboard to use every inch of available space. And you know how to get exactly the right sized shelves? Use the existing shelf!


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Original cupboard shelf
1×3 board, about 5 feet long
nails and nail gun

Step 1: Empty the cupboard and measure. I took out all the spice jars and arranged them on the counter by height. The jars basically were three different sizes, and we had the most jars in the middle height…



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