Baking soda in the closet, leave it there overnight: the next day you won’t believe your eyes

Additional methods for sanitizing and scented storage
Then there are other solutions to keep the closet dry and fragrant at all times, as well as techniques to clean it. Vinegar is an alternative to the traditional chemical cleaning treatments available. To make it easy, just mix one cup of vinegar with some boiling water.

Adding a few drops of essential oil is all it takes to make it smell nice. The use of salt or rice as a cure for absorbing moisture from cabinets is another option. Put the grains of rice or salt in little packets and store them in the pantry.

At first, it’s best to replace the packet’s salt or rice every three or four days if the humidity is high. After the majority of the water has evaporated, you may swap out the rice and salt every fifteen days.



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