Before you leave the house, put a coin in the freezer.

If the quarter has dropped to the bottom of the cup, the food has defrosted entirely and should be discarded. However, the food may still be safe if the quarter is towards the top or middle of the cup.

Keep a quarter in your freezer to ensure you’re always prepared during a power loss. This can be used as a backup plan to determine whether the food in your fridge or freezer is still edible.

If there is any doubt regarding the food’s safety, it is always best to err on the side of caution and toss it.

Finally, regarding food safety, your health is the most crucial factor to consider. If you have any doubts about the quality or safety of your food, toss it out to be on the safe side.

Remembering this can help you take the appropriate safeguards to protect your health and well-being. Please share this information with your friends and family to keep them up-to-date on food safety concerns.



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