Black circle around the bidet, you only remove it if you do this | I’ve never had such a clean bathroom!

Black circle around the bidet, you only remove it if you do this | I’ve never had such a clean bathroom!

It’s one of the most disgusting things you can find in your home: mold. But behind the black lines that appear around the bidet or toilet there is also a danger to your health, especially if you are asthmatic or allergic. That’s why today we want to introduce you to five natural remedies to combat it that you almost certainly already have at home and that you didn’t know about.

Black circle around the bidet, you only take it off if you do this!

1. Baking soda
Baking soda is an excellent moisture absorber. All you have to do is dissolve it in a glass of water and spray it on the affected area around the bidet and toilet. Then scrub it with a toothbrush to remove it and then rinse it (an old toothbrush will do).

2. Vinegar



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