How to Clean Plastic Cutting Boards Effectively

Maintaining Your Plastic Cutting Board: Essential Cleaning Tips In our busy daily lives, plastic cutting boards have become indispensable in the kitchen. They offer durability, affordability, and require minimal upkeep. However, frequent use necessitates proper cleaning to ensure food safety. Here’s how you can effectively disinfect and clean your plastic cutting boards for worry-free cooking. … Read more


In an unexpected change of events, a regular day saw a strange incident involving a bus full of passengers. One perceptive passenger noticed something odd on the driver’s coat as they silently drove along. He was shocked to find hundreds of insects crawling all over the driver’s ears and neck! The driver, Primo Onipa, was … Read more


This dessert is very delightful. Making it brings back a flood of memories; it’s easy enough for a small gathering or enough for a large one. The one catch is that, obviously, you like the characteristic flavor combination of mint and chocolate. It’s like coriander: it has strong opinions. After the heavy cream has whipped … Read more

Remembering the Dolly Anklet Charm

Remembering the Dolly Anklet Charm Ah, the memories of days gone by. Remember the adorable wooden dolls that adorned your grandmother’s clothesline? They were called wagon pegs and had a certain appeal that was hard to resist. In this article, let’s take a trip down memory lane and explore why these little wooden companions still … Read more

The Debate Over “Old School” Discipline in Classrooms

The Debate Over “Old School” Discipline in Classrooms The image you’ve shared highlights a growing discussion among parents and educators about reintroducing “old school” discipline methods in classrooms. This conversation is fueled by various concerns and perspectives on how to best manage classroom behavior, maintain order, and foster an environment conducive to learning. Historical Context … Read more

Why Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Have Green Yolks?

Why Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Have Green Yolks? Finding a greenish or grayish ring around the yolk of a hard-boiled egg can be off-putting, especially if you’re unsure about the safety of consuming such eggs. Here’s an in-depth look at why this happens and whether it’s safe to eat eggs with green yolks. The Science Behind … Read more