Chocolate bananas like from the bakery

First you should peel the bananas and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Place the banana pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place them in the freezer for about 30 minutes. This will make the banana pieces firm and ready for the chocolate coating.
In the meantime you can melt the chocolate. To do this, roughly chop the chocolate and place it in a heatproof bowl. Melt the chocolate over a double boiler or in the microwave until completely melted and smooth. Be careful not to overheat the chocolate or it may become lumpy.
Once the banana pieces are solid and the chocolate has melted, you can start coating the bananas. Using a fork, dip each banana piece into the melted chocolate, allowing any excess chocolate to drip off.
Place the chocolate-covered banana pieces back on the baking sheet and sprinkle chopped nuts, coconut flakes, sprinkles, or other toppings as desired while the chocolate is still warm and sticky.
Once all the banana pieces are coated and decorated with chocolate, place the baking sheet back in the freezer and let the chocolate harden for at least an hour.
As soon as the chocolate is solid, you can enjoy the chocolate bananas like they come from a bakery! You can serve them immediately or store them in an airtight container in the freezer to keep them fresh longer.
Chocolate bananas like from the bakery are a wonderful treat that is perfect as a dessert or snack. They are easy to make and can be customized as desired by adding different toppings or using different types of chocolate. Try this recipe and treat yourself and your loved ones to these delicious chocolate bananas!



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