Cleanses Liver and Lungs! All the Dirt Comes Out! Grandma’s Recipe

Prepare the Ginger: Start by washing the ginger thoroughly. You can peel it if you prefer, but leaving the skin on is fine too. Slice the ginger into thin pieces to maximize its flavor and benefits.

Boil the Water: In a pot, bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the sliced ginger.

Simmer: Reduce the heat and let the ginger simmer in the water for about 10-15 minutes. This allows the ginger to infuse the water with its beneficial properties.

Add Lemon and Honey: After simmering, remove the pot from heat and let it cool slightly. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the ginger water and stir in one tablespoon of honey. The lemon adds a boost of vitamin C and enhances the detoxifying effect, while the honey adds a touch of sweetness and soothes the throat.

Strain and Serve: Strain the mixture to remove the ginger pieces, then pour the liquid into a mug. Your cleansing ginger tea is now ready to enjoy!

The Benefits

Drinking this ginger tea regularly can help cleanse your liver and lungs by:



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