Cotton Candy Glazed Donuts

Place the baking sheet in an oven with a light on. Optionally, add steaming water for humidity.
Proof for about 1 hour until doubled in size.
Fry Donuts:
Heat oil in a deep fryer or Dutch oven to 325°F.
Fry donuts until golden, flip, and cook the other side. Drain and cool.
Prepare Glaze:
Combine white chocolate, butter, and salt in a bowl.
Heat cream until steaming and pour over chocolate. Let sit for 5 minutes.
Stir in cotton candy oil and pink coloring until smooth.
Glaze and Decorate:
Dip cooled donuts in the glaze and finish with sprinkles.
Prep Time:
Total: 12 hours 35 minutes (including chilling and proofing time)
Calories: Approx. 388 kcal per donut
Use instant yeast for best results, or active dry yeast with warm milk.
For best texture, avoid twisting the cutter when cutting donuts.
Store in an airtight container to keep them fresh.



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