Dirty sponge, don’t throw it away: if you do, it will look like new

Dirty sponge, do not throw it away: if you do, it will be like new

When using the sponge for dishes, you must avoid starting a contamination process in the kitchen, a place intended for the preparation and consumption of food.

Generally, most people who clean their dish sponge believe they have accomplished this task after washing it with water and detergent.

However, neither water nor soap can kill bacteria, which in this case are only temporarily eliminated.
Dish sponge: be careful with bad smell

According to some scientific studies, where analyzes were carried out in the laboratory, it was discovered that in different parts of the sponges used for cleaning in the kitchen, the same microbes present in feces are present both inside and on the surface.

In particular, you can notice the bad smell emanating from the sponges, an alarm signal about the possible presence of harmful microorganisms (in the most serious cases we are talking about Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella).

These are pathogens that could cause infections, especially in weakened or immunocompromised people .

However, these bacterial loads can be neutralized through proper sanitation, as well as through a good immune response from the body.

Although it may seem paradoxical, the very utensils intended for hygiene and cleaning work surfaces, as well as dishes, can cause health problems.
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