Don’t Throw Away Lemon Seeds- Here’s What You Can Do With Them.

Grown primarily in tropical, subtropical, and Mediterranean climates, lemons do best in warm, humid conditions. These tips will help you care for your new lemon tree:


Lemon trees prefer well-draining soil. They can easily succumb to root rot if allowed to sit in soggy soils. For best indoor results, plant the lemon seedlings in a fast-draining cactus and succulent mix, or add pumice, perlite, or sand to a standard soil mix to ensure good drainage.


Like most citruses, lemons enjoy ample water but can suffer when given too much. When watering the lemons, water deeply and ensure the soil is thoroughly moistened each time you water the plants. As with cacti and succulents, it’s best to water as needed when the soil becomes dry, rather than following a weekly schedule. Heating, air conditioning, and fans affect how quickly the soil dries out.




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