Food Expiration Dates Are Proven To Be Scam To Get You To Spend More Money

“As a homeless person who has had to go to free food give always to eat, I have been forced to eat a lot of expired food just to not starve. It becomes a game of food craps where your safety from a devastating case of food poisoning is just a throw of the dice. I find that these companies are actually motivated to put date on them that are as long as possible so they can sit on store shelves longer, not as short as possible to make you buy more. Sniffing and visually inspecting the food really is your only safeguard and it doesn’t always work and you find your self shitting florescent green or shooting out brown liquid from both ends for three days. She is right that there is a need for legal standards on dates but wrong about companies wanting to make the shelf life shorter, they are motivated to make it longer. Really what it comes down to is this conversation I had with this old guy I was talking to while he was eating food out of a garbage can. I asked him if he was worried about getting sick from eating out of the garbage and he replied, “Well, I’m I am a little more worried about starving to death today.” Words to live by.?”

“When I was a teenager I used to work at a major super market. At the end of every night they had to dump any unsold food from the hot plate. They would end up throwing out pounds of perfectly good food, including around 30 or so rotisserie or fried chickens that were just cooked a few hours prior. They were not legally allowed to even give the food away to the homeless or a charity because supposedly they could get sued. I always thought that was ridiculous.??”



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