Here’s Why Jeans Have That Tiny Pocket, And I Had No Idea

Have you ever wondered what your jeans’ little pocket is used for? You know, the little one on the right side, right inside the real jeans pocket?

You won’t be alone, that’s for sure

Although it serves no purpose now, Levi Strauss, the inventor of jeans, used this little compartment to safely store his pocket watch back in 1873, to be exact.

Similar to the classic style of a business shirt, this pocket’s design stems from functionality and lends a bit of vintage charm to contemporary clothing.

Why do Jeans have a Small Pocket?
Jeans’ tiny pockets were made for pocket watches. What is today recognized as a unique denim mark and stylistic element originated from need.

Along with the colt, a cowboy’s must-have accessory used to be a chain watch. But the delicate chain watch was not well shielded in the pocket of the pant or vest, and it was easily scratched or stolen—something that was fairly usual in those days.

This fifth tiny bag addressed the problem. The chain watches were perfectly sized, so they were safe from theft and harm.

Although chain watches are no longer in fashion, the little pocket has endured as a design element.

The purpose of the tiny bag has changed throughout time to accommodate the demands of succeeding generations; it is now used to hold matches to light cigarettes instead of chain watches.

When women were allowed to wear jeans in society, they also started to appreciate the small pockets. His little backpack is hardly ever used these days, and not many people notice it.

If that’s the case, it’s just to store cash in them.

Ideas for Current Use



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