How to Naturally Clean Off Mild Rust

I don’t know about you but I can be quite forgetful. I leave things outside when I shouldn’t. Tools and other items get rust on them and I am upset by the idea of throwing them away due to it being my fault! I also don’t like using lots of chemical products on things because the products get into our waterways and harm wildlife. Here is a solution to mild rust which won’t harm nature and probably only requires items you already have at home.

Here is everything you need. The tool or other item which has been affected by rust, some white vinegar and some foil. I would advise that you also have a rag or towel which you don’t mind getting stained.

As you can see here, this saw has been affected by rust. However you can see that other than mild rust, the blades still look good. Severe rust will not be solved with this method, but will be OK for this saw.

Put some vinegar into a bowl or other container. You don’t need loads. A shallow layer in the bottom of the container is plenty.



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