I Visited My Pregnant Sister, and When I Saw How Her Husband Treated Her, I Decided To Teach Him a Lesson

He little knew that I had a secret weapon waiting in the wings: a watermelon, a roll of plastic wrap, and a lot of determination.

With the terms of our bet set, I made a quick trip to the grocery store, almost skipping with mischievous glee.

I came back home with the biggest, roundest watermelon I could find. I told my sister all about my plan and enlisted her help in preparing Mark’s “pregnancy simulator.”

When Mark returned home from work, I presented the watermelon, told him the gist, and gave him a handwritten list of Lily’s daily tasks: laundry, dishes, vacuuming, mopping, grocery shopping, meal prep, nursery painting… the works.

You see, we cut the watermelon in half, scooped out the juicy insides (saving them for later, of course), and then carefully wrapped each half in plastic wrap, transforming them into cumbersome belly-like orbs. Two in case, we needed to switch them later.

“Are you sure about this?” Lily asked, slightly worried but also amused.

“Absolutely,” I replied, giving the watermelon some finishing touches. “It’s time he got a taste of his own medicine.”

Mark just chuckled. “This is gonna be a piece of cake,” he declared, puffing out his chest.



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