I Visited My Pregnant Sister, and When I Saw How Her Husband Treated Her, I Decided To Teach Him a Lesson

The weight of the watermelon half, which wasn’t as bad as a real pregnancy belly, finally took its toll on my brother-in-law.

At one point, Mark was even crawling on his hands and knees to scrub the bathroom floor, forgetting his early cockiness.

Lily and I knew this was more than just a silly bet; it was a chance for Mark to finally understand the sacrifices Lily made every day.

And judging by the pained expression on his face, the lesson was starting to sink in.

Finally, when the sun began to set, Mark threw in the towel, metaphorically and literally. He collapsed onto the couch, threw the rag onto the coffee table, and started removing his watermelon half.

“I… I can’t do it,” he groaned, putting his head back after throwing the hollow fruit away. “I give up!”

We were silent for only a second and then Lily stood in all her pregnant glory and looked down at her husband.

Mark’s gaze met hers, and his eyes started watering. “Lily,” he croaked, defeated and exhausted. “I… I’m so sorry. I had no clue. I never realized how much you do every single day.”

Lily broke out into tears, but they weren’t tears of sadness. They shimmered with relief, hope, and the promise of a brighter future.

She gently cupped her husband’s cheek.



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