I Witnessed Man Demanding His Wife Pay $800+ for Him and His Friends – I Took Cold-Stone Revenge on Her Behalf

Jack’s face turned the color of a well-done steak. He knew that bar — it was a dive known for its greasy comfort food and cheap beer, a far cry from the upscale atmosphere he’d been trying to impress his “friends” with.

Just then, as if on cue, Lora “remembered” her “urgent call” and stood up, feigning panic.

“Oh my gosh, I completely forgot!” she exclaimed, her voice laced with manufactured worry. “I have an important client meeting. I have to leave right away!”

With a quick “thank you” to me and a pointed look at Jack that spoke volumes, she grabbed her purse and walked out, leaving a stunned and defeated Jack behind.

His “friends,” catching the drift, started making excuses for their own “sudden emergencies.” One by one, they slunk out, abandoning their leader like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Jack, now completely alone with the remnants of his overpriced meal and the colossal bill, finally realized the trap he’d fallen into.

“But… but the bill!” he stammered, his voice high-pitched and frantic.

I shrugged apologetically. “Unfortunately, sir, you’re responsible for the bill for the entire party.”

Jack sputtered and argued, his face turning from red to purple. He demanded to speak to the manager, but I politely informed him that he was busy.

In the end, with no Lora to share the financial burden and his “friends” long gone, Jack was forced to pay for the entire meal, his grand night out with the guys dissolving into a bitter aftertaste of loneliness and a hefty bill.

The look on his face as he begrudgingly swiped his card was pure satisfaction.

The next day, just as the lunch crowd started trickling in, the door opened and Lora walked in. She scanned the room until her eyes landed on me, and she bee-lined straight for my station.

“Melanie!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth. “I just wanted to thank you again for everything you did last night. You saved me more than just money, you saved me from…” she trailed off, her voice catching slightly.

“From being bullied,” I finished for her, my voice soft. We both knew the truth.

Lora nodded, her eyes welling up. She reached into her purse and pulled out a crisp hundred-dollar bill.

“Here,” she insisted, pushing it towards me. “This is for you, for your trouble.”

I hesitated. I hadn’t done it for the money, but seeing the genuine gratitude in Lora’s eyes, I couldn’t refuse.



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