If you rub these 2 points behind your knees, this is the effect on your body.

As individuals age, stiffness seeps into their joints, and back discomfort becomes widespread. There are several solutions on the market to aid with pain and inflammation, but many individuals do not want to expose their bodies to the various chemicals included in the medications. According to, acupressure is “an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities.”

According to the Melbourne College of Professional Therapists, acupressure dates back to ancient China. Much has been written about acupressure and its advantages. lists several benefits, including increased circulation, profound relaxation, and relief from muscular stiffness.

Which acupressure spots might assist ease stiffness?

Michael Reed proposed two points: GB34 and ST36.

How do the acupressure points work?



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