If you spot a sugary spoon in your yard, you had better know what it means

With that in mind, it seems like a good idea that everyone knows the simple steps they can take to help the bee population out – particularly in and around urban areas.

World famous biologist and conservationist David Attenborough suggests placing a spoonful of sugary water in your backyard. It might not seem like much, but the mixture can actually revive exhausted bees, giving them the energy to keep going where they otherwise might die.

In such cases – where you may come across a bee seemingly lifeless on the ground– it’s often because the poor thing lacks the energy to return to its hive. The solution should be made up of two tablespoons of white, granulated sugar and one tablespoon of water.

Want to do even more? Well, it turns out you can. Again, these are all incredibly easy things to do, but something as simple as placing flowers on your balcony or allotting a certain area of your yard for wildflowers to take over can be of great assistance. Bees will benefit from the nectar such flowers offer, thus helping the local ecosystem.

So, if you ever see your partner, spouse, or kids laying out a spoonful of sugar, leave them to it! Better yet, place your own spoon outside and play your role in helping bees.



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