If You Spot These Mysterious Black Dots In Your Kitchen, Here’s What To Do

Typically, spider poop accumulates in a specific location below their web, often in corners with cobwebs on walls. Since spiders seek dark or undisturbed places for refuge, their droppings may unexpectedly appear in various locations. The size of spider droppings is approximately that of a pinhead, and they exhibit a monotone color, with variations in white, black, gray, or brown hues.

Is spider poo dangerous to handle?
While spider poop is not proven to transmit pathogens, it is advisable to treat it with caution and handle it as if it were potentially toxic. Studies indicate that pathogens ingested by spiders do not typically pass on through their droppings.

Nevertheless, it’s important to exercise caution and thoroughly wash hands with soap and water after handling spider feces. Cleaning fresh spider droppings is easier, while dried ones may require more effort to remove and may leave behind yellow stains.

It’s essential to note that cleaning up spider poop does not eliminate the spiders responsible for it. To prevent the reappearance of droppings, taking action against these creatures is necessary. Maintaining a highly tidy environment and removing every spider web you encounter is a good starting point. There are also products available to assist with infestations, and professional pest control services are well-equipped to handle such situations.



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