Lady Informs Fiancé’s Family She Is Pregnant, ‘He’s Infertile!’ His Mom Says

Chris laughed and cried at the same time. She was her cheerful self despite everything, and as usual, she was right. He needed a lawyer.

Chris’ parents didn’t accept his relationship with Amanda. When she announced her pregnancy at dinner, they rushed to call her a cheater because they had just received some shocking medical results. Their lives would never be the same.

Chris sighed in front of his parents’ house door, expressing his desire to get the visit over with. Amanda, his wife, caressed his arms, reminding him that they wanted his parents to accept her and come to their wedding. Chris grunted, stating he didn’t care if his parents couldn’t accept the woman he loved.

Amanda pleaded with him, emphasizing the importance of family and wanting his parents to be part of their children’s lives. Chris tried to keep his composure, muttering his agreement reluctantly. Amanda encouraged him, hugging his side.

Chris’s mother, Mrs. Castillo, greeted them with a fake grin, subtly nodding to Amanda and moving aside to let them in. Chris refrained from rolling his eyes, reflecting on how his parents had never accepted Amanda, even though they were engaged.

When Chris graduated from college and got his first job, his parents introduced him to Ciara, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey. Her father was on a local private clinic board, highly respected in their town. The Castillo family was wealthy due to great-grandfather’s investments, but Chris wasn’t interested in status.

At college, Chris made amazing friends from all walks of life, realizing he wanted a real woman, not the ones he met through private school and country club parties. He met Amanda when they collided in a parking lot. It was love at first sight for Chris, who immediately asked her out. Amanda initially resisted but eventually agreed, and they had been together since.

The first time Amanda met Chris’s parents was a disaster. They wanted Chris to break up with her, preferring Ciara instead. Chris firmly rejected their demands, stating his disdain for Ciara. The dinner continued awkwardly, with Amanda sensing the tension. Despite the lack of warmth from Chris’s parents, Amanda remained hopeful and involved them in wedding planning.

Chris had something urgent to tell Amanda, which might change their relationship forever. His parents showed concern when he discussed it with them but remained stoic. Chris feared Amanda might leave him after hearing the news.



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