Love these little bites! Always start with wanting 1 but end up finishing an entire bowl!

Fudge is a classic confection that, over time, has become a beloved treat in many American homes and around the world. The traditional version is usually made with chocolate, but today we’re going to explore a variation that’s equally delectable: White Chocolate Fudge Bites. This sweet is best served during holidays or family gatherings. Unlike its chocolate counterpart, white chocolate fudge offers a creamy and rich taste that adds elegance to every bite.
The origins of fudge are a bit murky, but it’s widely agreed that it was first made in the United States in the late 19th century. White chocolate, on the other hand, didn’t make an appearance until the 1930s. It’s not chocolate in the strictest sense – as it contains cocoa butter but not cocoa solids – yet it has secured its place in the hearts of those who prefer a sweeter, smoother alternative. These little nuggets of delight are perfect for someone wanting to make a simple yet luxurious treat that doesn’t require a lot of time or culinary expertise.

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