Mom Accidentally Causes Drama At BBQ When She Gives A Burger To Son Who Wasn’t Given One

After the party, the husband received a message that said his wife won’t be invited to the BBQ parties anymore because she gave her son the burger
The friend of the OP’s husband invited their family to a BBQ. Typically, BBQ parties are when people come together to eat food slowly prepared over a low flame with the smoke produced by the barbecue. Even though meat is usually the main ingredient at these parties, they aren’t limited to it – vegan or vegetarian options are legit at barbecues, too.

Well, at the party the author’s family attended, it seemed like meat was the main ingredient, as the cook was barbecuing hotdogs and burgers. Interestingly, though the party was hosted by the husband’s friend, the OP’s family were the ones who brought the food. Yet, the main conflict of the party wasn’t related to this.

Rather, it was related to the fact that the author’s eldest child doesn’t like hot dogs. Apparently, he once watched a video on how they are made and now refuses to touch them. And it’s not surprising he reacted this way. After all, usually, hot dogs are made from parts of animals that aren’t used for any other type of meat mixed with preservatives, spices, and coloring. The mixture is then put in casings made from collagen. Sounds pretty gross, doesn’t it? Well, imagine watching a video of it.

So, during the party, the boy asked for a burger instead of a hotdog. Yet, the cook refused to give him one, saying burgers were only for the adults. Even when the kid’s mom explained that he doesn’t eat hotdogs, it didn’t change the situation. So, she switched plates with her son. This caused other kids to question why only this kid was allowed a burger.



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