My Relatives Started Complaining about My Wife’s Meals at Our Monthly Family Dinners, So We Decided to Secretly Test Them

“Are you serious, Brandon? You’re choosing her over us?” she yelled, but I didn’t let her guilt me. My decision was final.

Later, my younger sister, Gloria, confirmed what I had feared. “Mom and Angela never really liked Megan,” she admitted. “They only pretended to because they knew you wanted to marry her. They think she’s too different, not ‘family’ enough.”

Hearing that solidified my choice. I knew I had done the right thing by standing by Megan. She deserved a family that appreciated her for who she was, not one that tore her down.

As we moved forward, I realized that Megan and I could create our own family traditions—ones built on love, respect, and kindness, where every meal felt like home, no matter who cooked it.

Do you think I made the right choice?



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