My Roommate Kept Using Me as Her Personal Shopper, So I Got Creative with My Revenge

“Did you get everything?” she asked, her tone implying she couldn’t care less about the answer.“Yep, got it all,” I replied, setting the bags down on the counter. I couldn’t help but smirk as I watched her barely glance at the contents before dismissing me with her typical, “Thanks, I’ll pay you back later.” “Sure, no problem,” I muttered, my heart pounding with anticipation. The stage was set. Party night arrived, and I made sure to stick around to see the fallout. Taryn was in full hostess mode, all smiles and false modesty as she bragged to her friends about the “premium” spread she’d put together. I leaned against the kitchen doorway, sipping my drink and waiting for the show to start. It didn’t take long. The first sign of trouble came when she started pouring the wine. Her guests exchanged puzzled looks, their noses wrinkling as they took tentative sips. One guy couldn’t hide his disgust. “Uh, Taryn, are you sure this is the right wine?” Taryn’s smile faltered. She grabbed the box, her eyes widening in horror as she realized it was the cheapest swill available. “I don’t understand,” she stammered. “It must have been mislabeled.” She quickly moved on, trying to save face.“Let’s have some cheese, shall we?” She unwrapped the processed slices, and her guests burst into laughter. “This is the gourmet cheese?” one girl asked, struggling to keep a straight face. Taryn’s cheeks flushed red. She was clearly mortified but tried to play it off. “Oh, you know, it’s all about the presentation,” she said, her voice strained. The final blow came when she offered the “imported chocolates.” One guest took a bite and immediately spit it out. “This tastes like cardboard!” The party atmosphere quickly deflated. Her friends, trying to be polite, murmured excuses and started to leave. The momentum fizzled out, and Taryn was left standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by cheap snacks and awkward silence. I couldn’t resist twisting the knife a little. “Wow, Taryn, your party is really something,” I said, barely able to keep the laughter out of my voice. “Everything okay?”You know, it’s funny how you think you know someone until they pull a fast one on you. Kelly and I had been roommates for about a year. At first, she seemed like the perfect roommate: considerate, easy-going, and always willing to help out. I guess I took advantage of that a bit too much. I’d often ask Kelly to pick up things for me. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it. I was busy with my studies and needed help. Plus, I always promised to pay her back. I mean, who keeps track of a few dollars here and there, right? Then came the day of my big party.



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