Raspberry Cinnamon Rolls With Lemon Glaze

Gather a sizable bowl and blend flour, sugar, salt, and yeast together.
Heat milk in a small pot until warm, then amalgamate with dry mix along with softened butter and egg, stirring into a dough.
On a floured board, knead the dough for 5-7 minutes until it attains a smooth texture. Transfer to a greased bowl, cover, and permit rising in a cozy spot for an hour, or until size doubles.
Deflate the dough, extend it into a rectangle on a floured board.
Prepare filling by blending softened butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon; spread over dough evenly, then scatter raspberries on top.
Shape the dough into a log and segment into 12 equal rounds. Position them in a greased baking dish.
Cover and grant another 30 minutes rise time. Set oven to preheat at 350°F (175°C).
Insert rolls into the oven, bake for 25-30 minutes until they turn golden brown. Allow slight cooling.
Combine powdered sugar, lemon juice, and milk until silky, then cascade over warm rolls.
Relish the pleasure of these warm and fresh rolls as a delightful indulgence!.



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