She was walking in the park and saw her son holding this plant. She panicked and went straight to the doctor.

Scientists aren’t sure what the red substance that oozes out of bleeding tooth fungus is exactly, but they have found that it contains a pigment with anticoagulant and antibacterial properties. Notably, it is also thought to contain substances that could help against Alzheimer’s disease.

The Bleeding Tooth Fungus is not toxic, but tastes so bitter as to be inedible, despite one of its other names (Strawberries and Cream, because of its resemblance to a fruit danish).

Sherry Dinny had a brief panic attack on a bright day in the park. While taking a leisurely stroll with her 8-year-old son, she saw that he was holding a strange plant and had crimson marks around his mouth. She moved quickly and went to her son.



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