Springtime Fruit Tart Recipe

Spread the cooled pastry cream evenly over the baked tart crust.
Top with Fruit:

Arrange the fresh fruits over the pastry cream in a decorative pattern.
Glaze (optional):

In a small saucepan, heat apricot jam and water until melted. Brush over the fruit for a shiny finish.
Chill and Serve:

Refrigerate the tart for at least 1 hour before serving to allow the flavors to meld.

Seasonal Fruits: Feel free to use any fruits that are in season for the freshest taste.
Creative Toppings: Experiment with different fruit arrangements and combinations for a unique tart.
Gluten-Free Option: Substitute the flour with a gluten-free blend if needed.
Share Your Creation:

Share photos of your beautiful Springtime Fruit Tarts on social media and use the hashtag #SallysBakingChallenge to join the community and see what others have created!
This baking challenge is a wonderful way to embrace the flavors of spring and showcase your baking skills. Enjoy the process and the delicious results!



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