This is how you make homemade broth without a label – We no longer buy it in stores

Cool the prepared vegetables and blend them with the parsley in a blender. Add salt and mix everything well.

Place the foil in the baking dish, followed by the prepared vegetable mixture. Cover the top with foil. Place it in the freezer for 30 minutes to allow the mixture to set a little while still retaining its shape.

Remove the foil and cut the mixture into equal cubes at a ratio of 1 cube to 1 pot of soup. If you want a richer taste, you can cut the cubes into larger pieces or use 2 cubes to make 1 soup.

Wrap each cube in aluminum foil. Put all the cubes in a bag and set aside to store in the freezer.

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Select them according to your needs. With just 1-2 cubes, the entire pot of soup will be a deep yellow color and your kitchen will be filled with the pleasant smell of homemade chicken soup.



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