Ways To Repurpose Banana Peels In Your Garden

If you’re wanting to create some nutrient-rich compost at home, make sure that banana peels are part of yours.

8. Attract Butterflies and Birds

Apparently, banana peels can attract butterflies, birds, wasps, bees, and caterpillars. So, you can use them to get some insect life into your garden. However, you might want to remove them at night to avoid attracting other critters into your garden.

9. Banana Vinegar

Mixing banana peels with vinegar sounds gross, but apparently, plants that love acidic soil – such as blueberries – absolutely love this solution.

10. Prepare Your Garden Bed

If you are planning on growing vegetables in a raised bed, then preparing the soil with banana peels is a good idea. You can add them to the compost and fertilizer mix to create nutrient-rich soil that your plants will love.

11. Fertilize Tomato Plants

Tomatoes require heavy fertilization. And nothing does it better for these plants than banana peels, given that they contain potassium, iron, and calcium. Your tomatoes will absolutely love this!

12 Feed Your Seedlings

If you have seedlings and you want to see them grow up big and strong then feed them banana peels. Just add them to the soil as tiny bits and mix them into the topsoil. It’ll help the seedling grow up strong and thrive.



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