Why do smart housewives put lemon in the sponge for washing dishes? Change everything

The benefits of lemon are well known. Its high content of vitamin C and natural antioxidants contributes to better defense. However, its use does not stop at its nutritional properties, many people use this ingredient in other contexts because it has great benefits. Discover this cleaning tip using lemon, which will make your job much easier!

Lemon is not only an extremely precious and versatile citrus fruit, but also an excellent natural antibacterial.

A rinsing sponge soaked in lemon can solve many problems. The first step is to cut the sponge slightly between the yellow and green parts. Then insert the citrus slice into the incision. This step is quick and easy.

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Every time the sponge gets wet, the lemon intervenes thanks to its juice, which removes stains and shines the dishes. All types of materials can be treated with lemon. In general, this solution is always effective. Plus, for those who have the bad habit of leaving dirty dishes in the sink all night and washing them only the next day, this trick will make cleaning easier.

In addition to its ability to clean surfaces and remove stubborn stains from dishes, lemon leaves an intoxicating scent that eliminates even the most difficult to combat bad odors. So why not use it as a sponge?
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