Why the Tartar Sauce on a Filet-O-Fish Is Always Off-Center

Employees, rushing to serve a long line of customers, quickly squirt a dollop of tartar sauce onto the bun. Given the rush and the nature of the tool, it seldom lands in the center. After the sauce lands, another employee places the breaded fish fillet on top. Because the bun halves are already in the box, sliding the fish fillet onto the sauce can shift things even more. Finally, the top half of the bun is flipped onto the fillet, and the box is snapped shut, ready to be bagged.

The Purpose of the Box
Why the box? The bun is steamed, making it too soft and potentially messy to handle without support. A wrapper wouldn’t do—the bun might stick or tear. The box keeps the sandwich’s structure intact and accommodates the somewhat messy, sliding components. The box is also a bit too big for the sandwich, aiding speedy packaging but allowing the contents to slide around.



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