Why we must refuse Linky, the new EDF counter

The energy transition law published on 18 August 2015 introduced the deployment of 35 million new electricity meters known as “Linky”. All subscriptions of less than 36 kVa, residential and professional, are in the viewfinder. Thanks to the mobilization of citizens, the sanctions initially provided for refusal (EUR 1 500 in a fine) have been withdrawn from the text. It is therefore possible to reject the Linky meter at home, but we must act quickly, because the installation of 500,000 Linky is scheduled by the end of 2015.

Brigitte J. is actively fighting Linky and she knows why: he injects CPL (online carrier) radio frequencies into all cables and electrical appliances. And CPL has already experienced this.

Insomniaque since 2009, she suspected the wifi of neighbors of having made her electrosensitive. Thinking of the harmless CPL, she offered to replace their WiFi internet connection with CPL. They agreed to cut the wifi and she provided them with the CPL box. She says, “I had a nightmarish night. I had severe heart irregularities, I feared a heart attack, I almost called the SAMU. The next day, she took over the CPL case and her neighbors agreed to wire. Since then, she can finally sleep.

Brigitte is far from the only one in her case
Brigitte is one of the people who have become “electrosensitive”. But don’t think that electrosensitivity affects only a few isolated people, because each of us is electrosensitive, the only dialor is that some suffer from more or less disabling symptoms, and others do not.

The reason why CPL has caused so quickly an intense crisis in this electrosensitive person is easy to understand: CPL is radio frequencies (between 63 and 95 megahertz for the Linky in CPL g3) that are injected into the circuits, cables and electrical appliances of an entire house, or of an entire building. However, these equipments are not provided for this and are not armored.

Radio frequencies are therefore found in the surrounding air, measurable up to 2.50 metres of all cables embedded in walls, exposed electrical wires and appliances themselves, including bedside lamps, according to the association Next-up, which in 2014 produced a demonstrative film in a housing equipped with a Linky meter.

The first to sound the alarm were the amateurs, who called CPL “wave cancer” because of the intense interference they found on their transmitters/receivers. In 2009, one of them wrote to me: “This CPL is connected to the mains and uses the electric wired network of the dwelling in which it emits a signal coupled with radiofrequency radiation. When a neighbour on the other side of the street uses it, in a pavilion, I get a powerful signal in my house that totally saturates my receiver. ”

Radio frequencies are classified as carcinogens, let us not forget
However, radio amateurs and electrosensitives should not be the only ones strongly oppose the deployment of Linky. It is also threatening the 800,000 people who are currently fighting cancer. Indeed, since 31 May 2011, radio frequencies have been officially recognized as “potentially carcinogenic” (category 2B) by the WHO-dependent International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

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