Why You Should Never Kill a Spider in Your Home

Why You Should Never Kill a Spider in Your Home
Many people don’t like spiders, to put it mildly. The spotting of a spider can cause chaos as everyone tries to kill it. But put down the shoe and bug spray for a moment. Entomologists advise people to never kill a spider in their home because these creatures are “an important part of nature and our indoor ecosystem — as well as being fellow organisms in their own right.” In fact, their existence may benefit you over time.

Never Kill a Spider in Your Home
For the most part, the spiders appearing in your home are not dangerous or aggressive. Some don’t even want to be inside; they came in by accident and would rather go outdoors. But whether they are passing through or looking for a quiet corner to spin a web, spiders can provide an incredible service to their human landlords. They prey on pests, which may include other spiders.

Dr. Matthew Bertone, professor in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University, and his colleagues conducted a survey of 50 households in his home state. Every house they visited contained spiders, typically cobweb spiders and cellar spiders. Both of these types build webs to catch prey, and cellar spiders might leave their webs to hunt other spiders. They are generally able to eat anything their webs capture, and that often includes pests like mosquitoes, bed bugs, ants, and clothing-eating moths. So in exchange for real-estate in a basement corner, spiders provide free pest control.

Bertone admits that it’s valid to fear spiders. He explains that almost all of them are venomous but the vast majority’s venom is too weak to affect people. Some species’ fangs aren’t even capable of piercing human skin so it’s no surprise that spider bites almost never kill people. “Even entomologists themselves can fall prey to arachnophobia,” he writes on The Conversation. “I know a few spider researchers who overcame their fear by observing and working with these fascinating creatures. If they can do it, so can you!”

Creepy But Misunderstood



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