Woman Decides On Divorce After Suffering Husband’s Lid Quirk For 5 Years

At first glance, this story might seem crazy and absurd. However, emotional abuse can take a lot of different forms in a relationship. As many people already pointed out in the comments, the woman filed for divorce for the husband’s questionable behavior, not the tightly shut jars.

In a later update, the wife detailed other odd things the husband did to exert control over her. The jar lids weren’t the only thing the husband lied about. “I had to move my office from my dining nook to a locked room because he was using my workspace on days I went to the office,” the Redditor wrote about another case of her husband’s strange behavior.

“That was no big deal except he was moving important documents that I needed for work. He denied moving anything and swore he was just setting up his laptop and maybe using my printer. I started taking pictures of my desk before I left for work and things were being moved. He was the only one home.”

The husband also wanted to limit his wife’s freedom to go out by pressuring her not to have her own car. “He totaled my car twice in 5 years, even though he rarely drives it,” the user u/DirectionProper9461 wrote.

“The second time was right after we married and he put a lot of pressure on me to use the insurance money to pay off his car instead of replacing mine because I don’t drive a lot and sometimes bike to work. We live in the suburbs and there is no public transport. He proposed that I could just use his car when I needed to but I really wanted to continue having my own car.”

But perhaps his most concerning demand was about having kids. “As soon as we married he was pressuring me to have a child,” the woman wrote. “His plan for child care was for me to watch the baby while working. I wanted to save a year of child care expenses before we talked about a baby. He didn’t want to. I just felt weird about it, so I got an IUD to make sure we didn’t have an accident. He was angry.”

The term ‘gaslighting’ is often misused today, but it actually means serious emotional abuse



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