Woman Shuts Down BF’s Demands: “Didn’t Go To Med School To Be A Live-In Maid”

Carlson found that partners who took on specific chores separately weren’t as satisfied as those who shared at least three tasks and tackled them together. According to the researcher, for both men and women, the number of equally shared tasks was linked with a sense of their relationship being fair to both parties, as well as with satisfaction with their housework arrangement and their relationship overall.

Even though sharing the chores—or at least some of them—seems to be what’s best for couples, few of them take care of things around the house together. According to Gallup’s data, women continue to handle a bigger piece of the pie in regards to chores, which include such tasks as cleaning the home, doing laundry, and preparing meals. Men are, however, the ones to take care of such things as keeping the car in good condition and doing yard work more often.

Even though the OP’s girlfriend was already doing more than half of the chores in their home, too, the redditor believed she should have been doing even more as being unemployed, she arguably had the time for it. However, his opinion was not well-received by his girlfriend, nor was it well-received by the online community, which unanimously deemed the OP a jerk.

Fellow netizens unanimously agreed that the redditor was the jerk in the situation



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