Your Glass Top Stove Can Shatter If You Make This Mistake

Today, I want to share a cautionary tale that I learned the hard way about glass top stoves. You see, these sleek and modern stovetops are a real game-changer in our kitchens, but there’s a little secret about them that I wish I had known earlier. So, gather around as I spill the beans on why you should never, and I mean never, place a hot lid facedown on your glass top stove.

Let’s dive right in and talk about why we all adore glass stovetops in the first place. They look fantastic in our kitchens, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication. Plus, they’re pretty easy to clean, making our lives a whole lot simpler. But the thing is, they can be a tad fragile, and that’s where the caution comes into play.

Have you ever heard the unsettling sound of glass shattering? Well, I have, and it’s not something I want to experience again. You see, glass stovetops can crack, and it’s not just about the temperature change. Sure, glass can handle heat, but it’s the rapid change in temperature that can turn your beautiful cooktop into a spiderweb of cracks.

Now, let’s get into the science behind this phenomenon. It’s not just about the direct contact with the hot lid. When you place a hot lid facedown on your glass stovetop, heat gets trapped in the small space between the lid and the glass surface. This trapped heat creates a sneaky little thing called a vacuum seal. In simple terms, it’s like the glass stovetop and the lid are hugging each other so tightly that nothing can escape.



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