12 Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Efficiently Without Breaking the Bank

Keeping the temperature in the same range throughout the day will prevent the air conditioner from overworking during the hottest parts of the day.

. Increase the Temperature
Many people make the mistake of turning the thermostat down to 65. However, it’s bad for the environment and your energy bills. Instead, try to keep the thermostat around 70 degrees, as it can decrease energy usage by about 20%.

5. Turn off the Air Conditioner
Midsummer nights can be unbearably hot but several weeks before and after have comfortable and breezy night temperatures. Turn the air conditioner off at night and open the windows if possible. Additionally, it’s recommended to turn the air conditioner off while no one is home to prevent the air conditioner from being overworked, ensuring it gets a break. Alternatively, if you’re traveling and live somewhere with frequent scorching temperatures, such as the desert, it might be helpful to consider keeping the air conditioner running at a higher 70-degree temperature. This will help prevent candles from melting and hygiene products from leaking.

6. Note the Time of Day
More energy is used in the afternoon and toward the end of the day because temperatures are the hottest, and people are home from work and school. However, some activities won’t require the air conditioner and can be done enjoying the afternoon together. For example, places with water are great places to cool off and spend the afternoon waiting for the sun to set. This might include a local river, lake, or community swimming pool.

7. Close Windows



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