Before you leave the house, put a coin in the freezer.

When Sheila shared this idea on Facebook, it garnered a massive response from people who found it helpful. The post received tens of thousands of reactions and shares, with many people praising the experiment’s simplicity and ease of execution.

Anyone can try this experiment with a cup of water and a quarter placed on top after entirely frozen in the refrigerator.

Sheila’s “one-cup tip” can also assist in preventing food deterioration during extended holidays or when folks are gone for a few days.

Keeping a cup of frozen water with a quarter on top lets you quickly assess whether the food has remained frozen or has thawed and refrozen, suggesting deterioration.

As a result, by preventing costly purchases of new refrigerators or wasting food that has deteriorated due to faulty cooling systems, this technique can help customers save money.

Finally, Sheila Polanco Russell’s simple yet efficient tip can be a lifesaver for many people who are frequently inconvenienced by rotting food due to malfunctioning refrigerators or power outages.

People may ensure their food stays fresh and healthy for longer by completing her experiment and following her directions without spending extra money on new appliances or wasted food.

When it comes to defrosted food, it’s critical to understand when it’s acceptable to eat and when it should be discarded. A simple trick utilizing a quarter and a cup can determine this…



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