Don’t Throw Away Lemon Seeds- Here’s What You Can Do With Them.

Of all the citrus fruits, lemons are one of the most common kitchen staples. After all, nearly everything is a bit better with a squeeze of lemon (or lime!) juice on it. We use the zest (the yellow part of the peel) as a flavoring agent in baking and cooking. We also use the juice to add a little zing to countless dishes and the occasional dessert. There is one part of the lemon, however, that we all typically just throw away without thinking much of it: The seeds. As it turns out, you can quite easily grow your own lemon tree from the seeds inside. This is how.

Why you shouldn’t throw away lemon seeds

Before you go to toss your lemon seeds in the compost bin, read this. Lemon seeds contain everything a lemon tree needs to grow. When you plant a lemon seed, it will sprout and start growing into a tree. With a little care and attention, that tree can eventually produce lemons of its own – no more need for bags of lemons at the grocery store. Plus, growing your own lemon tree is a fun and rewarding experience.

How to grow a lemon tree from seed

Thankfully, growing a lemon tree from the seeds isn’t as daunting of a task as it might seem. With a little bit of care and attention, you can have a flourishing lemon tree of your very own. Follow these steps (1, 2):

Step 1: Select a lemon



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