Don’t Throw Away Lemon Seeds- Here’s What You Can Do With Them.

The first step to growing lemons from seed is selecting the type of lemon you want to grow. Purchase lemons at the market, choosing those with a fully mature appearance and free of blemishes, cuts, and bruising, which can signify internal rot.

Step 2: Remove and rinse the seeds

Carefully remove the seeds from the fruit. Instead of cutting through the lemon, peel it like an orange. This is to avoid piercing the few seeds that might be present. Citrus seeds have a hard outer seed coat, but they can easily be sliced by a knife or other utensil. Using your hands, split open the individual slices, remove the seeds, and place them in a cup of water. Rinse the seeds and set them on a towel to dry before planting.

Step 3: Plant the seeds



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