Don’t Throw Away Lemon Seeds- Here’s What You Can Do With Them.

Fill seed trays or small plastic pots with standard potting soil and water lightly so the soil is moist but not soaking wet. Use your index finger or a pencil to poke a hole roughly a half-inch deep and place one seed in each hole. Cover the seeds with soil and gently water without disturbing the seeds.

Step 4: Choose a warm, well-lit location

Place planted seeds in a warm, well-lit location and keep the soil moist at all times. Adding a horticultural heating mat and grow lights will help seedlings germinate quickly and grow rapidly.

Step 5: Transplant the seedlings

After the seedlings have produced their third set of leaves, transplant them to larger containers to allow their roots to expand and grow with fewer restrictions. Keep the containers indoors under grow lights, or outdoors in full sun for good growth and to prevent diseases.

Caring for a lemon tree



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