I Visited My Pregnant Sister, and When I Saw How Her Husband Treated Her, I Decided To Teach Him a Lesson

The next morning, we had burnt toast for breakfast (apparently, Lily’s exhaustion was affecting her culinary skills), I decided to have a little chat with my brother-in-law.

“Hey, Mark,” I began cautiously, “I couldn’t help but notice Lily’s doing a lot around here. Maybe you could lend a hand, especially with the baby coming so soon?”

“Oh, come on. It’s a woman’s job, you know?”, Mark scoffed.

Though I was angry, I took a deep breath and tried again. “I’m just saying, maybe you could do the dishes or help put together the crib? It’s not exactly rocket science.”

Mark finally glanced up and narrowed his eyes. “You are such a drama queen… Lily enjoys taking care of me, just like she will enjoy taking care of our kid. Don’t bring your progressive stuff into my house. My wife simply does what she is supposed to.”

I felt my blood boil and had to fight the urge to throw my coffee in his smug face. But then, an idea began to form in my mind, a plan so ridiculous, so outlandish, that it just might work…

I plastered a fake smile on my face, and said, “You know what, Mark? You’re right. Lily does enjoy taking care of you. So much so that I bet you couldn’t last a day doing everything she does.”

A smirk spread across Mark’s face. “Oh really? And what happens if I prove you wrong?”

“Then I’ll be your personal maid for the rest of my life,” I replied, smiling widely. “But if you lose, you have to step up and be the husband Lily deserves. Deal?”

Laughing, Mark extended his hand. “Deal.”



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