I Witnessed Man Demanding His Wife Pay $800+ for Him and His Friends – I Took Cold-Stone Revenge on Her Behalf

She hesitated for a beat longer, then with a nervous nod, she reached for her phone and started tapping away, approaching her table.

My heart hammered in my chest as I retreated back towards the kitchen, praying my plan wouldn’t backfire spectacularly.

A few minutes felt like an eternity as I battled the urge to peek out from the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, I plastered on my brightest smile and approached their table.

Jack, still engrossed in conversation with his buddies, didn’t even look up as I cleared my throat.

“Excuse me, sir,” I began, my voice loud enough for everyone at the table to hear. “The manager just informed me that there’s been a bit of a mix-up with your reservation.”

Jack puffed out his chest like a rooster about to crow. “What mix-up? We made a reservation for nine just fine.”

“Well, sir,” I continued, my voice dripping with fake sympathy, “unfortunately, it appears there was a double booking for your table tonight. We have another large party arriving shortly, and they specifically requested this booth.”

Jack’s face contorted in disbelief. His “friends,” sensing trouble brewing, started shifting uncomfortably in their seats, their animated chatter dying down to a low murmur.

“But… but we ordered already,” Jack stammered, his attitude taking a noticeable dip as he glanced at the mountain of barely-touched food.

“I understand, sir,” I said, my voice firm but polite. “However, since the reservation was made under a different name, we wouldn’t be able to accommodate you at this table any longer.”

Jack’s bluster faded, replaced by a panicked desperation.

He looked around the restaurant wildly, hoping for a miracle. There were no empty booths big enough for his group, and the scattered tables weren’t exactly ideal for the image he was trying to project.

“Can’t we just move to another big table?” he pleaded.

“Unfortunately, sir,” I replied apologetically, “we’re completely booked tonight. The best I can offer is to pack your food to go, or perhaps…” I paused dramatically.

“Perhaps, you and your friends could head over to the bar down the street. They have plenty of space for large groups.”



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